We were together at the TEKNOFEST 2023 Evaluation Workshop

TEKNOFEST Evaluation Workshop, organized within the scope of TEKNOFEST 2023 with the goal of a Türkiye that develops technology, was held in Istanbul on 15-16 November.
We came together with our advisory board members, executive institutions and stakeholders at the TEKNOFEST Evaluation Workshop to evaluate TEKNOFEST 2023 and exchange ideas on the upcoming festival processes.
In the workshop where we determined our goals for 2024, from technology competitions to air shows, from shows and activities to exhibition areas, we held consultations with different perspectives to carry the TEKNOFEST vision forward.
We would like to thank all our participants for their participation and contributions on this path that we walk with the goal of a Türkiye that dreams, researches and develops.
In the workshop where we determined our goals for 2024, from technology competitions to air shows, from shows and activities to exhibition areas, we held consultations with different perspectives to carry the TEKNOFEST vision forward.
We would like to thank all our participants for their participation and contributions on this path that we walk with the goal of a Türkiye that dreams, researches and develops.