We are cultivating the young minds who will create the technologies of the future in Deneyap Technology Workshops!

Deneyap mentors are individuals who excel in team collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to generate original ideas. They are enthusiastic about learning and teaching, sensitive to current issues and their impact on the environment. They understand the significance of the Deneyap Turkey Project and the National Technology Initiative for Turkey's future.
Mentors at Deneyap Technology Workshops can be teachers, professionals with expertise in their fields, university graduates or postgraduates in relevant disciplines.

Mentors at Deneyap Technology Workshops can be teachers, professionals with expertise in their fields, university graduates or postgraduates in relevant disciplines.

Steps for Mentor Selection:
Individuals interested in becoming mentors at Deneyap Technology Workshops are expected to apply via the website by following the announcements.
Applicants are expected to have the competencies listed in the training specifications related to the areas for which mentorship applications are received.
Mentor training is free, and prospective mentors who agree to participate in the training are expected to take responsibility for at least four teams.