T3 Foundation Visits 18 Provinces for Eid

As the Turkish Technology Team Foundation, we continue our social responsibility activities in various fields.
Before Ramadan Bayram, we conducted a holiday visit to Darülaceze and nursing homes to exchange holiday greetings with our valued elders. Visits were made to a total of 18 provinces including Istanbul and Ankara, as well as simultaneous visits to Erzincan, Izmir, Trabzon, Karaman, Tunceli, Antep, Erzurum, Antalya, Samsun, Sivas, Isparta, Sakarya, Bartın, Manisa, Artvin, and Van.
During the visit to Darülaceze, we spent time with our elders and provided them with enjoyable moments through workshop activities.
The program at Darülaceze started with workshops. T3 Foundation employees and volunteers organized wood painting and marbling workshops for our elders. After the completion of the workshop activities, Darülaceze President Hamza Cebeci and T3 Foundation Board Chairperson Elvan Kuzucu Hıdır gave their speeches. President Cebeci thanked T3 Foundation for their visit to Darülaceze in his speech. T3 Foundation Chairperson Kuzucu Hıdır conveyed the greetings and respects of T3 Foundation to the valuable residents of Darülaceze in his speech.
After the speeches, a music performance took place. Then, T3 Foundation employees and volunteers gave holiday gifts to the elders at Darülaceze. The holiday visit ended after a group photo session.