Science and Technology Wind of TEKNOFEST Will Blow in Azerbaijan

TEKNOFEST, which will be held in the precious Azerbaijan between 26-29 May, with its inspiration and knowledge from its past; will put its signature under a festival filled with the feelings of technology, science, competition, excitement, friendship and brotherhood. Technology competitions, in which hundreds of thousands of technology-savvy young people participate every year in our country, will also be held in Azerbaijan.
In addition to the Technology Competitions that will take place in many different categories within the scope of TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan, European Championship on The Rocket League Game and Take Off Baku Startup Summit, which will bring local new startups together with foreign investors and venture funds, will be among the events to be held this year.
Applications for Technology Competitions have been extended in the face of great interest!
Under the leadership of Turkey and Azerbaijan, applications for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Competition which is open to international participation, the Cansat Competition which covers the design, production and launch of a small-sized model of a real satellite and Sailplaner Competition which the participants will perform tasks such as computer, ground or air experiments, flight programming and collecting scientific data in a standard planer model, were completed on 17 February.
The deadline for applying to
GreenTech Competition, which aims to prevent the negative consequences of human activity with the use of renewable energy sources,
AgriTech Competition, which aims to increase productivity in the fruit, vegetable and livestock sector,
Socially-Oriented Technoogies Competition, which is open to local participation and where ideas and projects that will facilitate the lives of especially vulnerable groups, the disabled and those living in rural areas will compete,
Robotics Competition equipped with artificial intelligence, which will include projects on the design and construction of control systems for robots that can be used in industry, manufacturing, agriculture, homes and
Baku Skills Competition, which tests young people's ability to apply their imaginations and designs with projects they create using 3D printers, is February 28.
Applications can be made until April 1 for the Smart Karabakh Hackathon, where participants will develop software projects and compete with smart solutions.
To get detailed information about TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan and to be a part of this excitement, you can visit