Project Exam for Samsun Keşif Kampüsü Was Held

The project exam for the “Samsun Campuses” of the Discovery Campus, which we have realized as the Turkish Technology Team Foundation, was held today.
A total of 1176 4th and 5th grade students who were successful in the e-exam participated in the project exam, which he went to for admission to the "Samsun Discovery Campus" and "Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Discovery Campus", which were established within the scope of TEKNOFEST permanent traces in Samsun.
Students who participated in the exam were asked to design a robust and durable search and rescue robot for earthquake victims. It was among the evaluation criteria to carry the necessary loads in accordance with the characteristics of the designed robot plus the people who were left under the ruins after the earthquake. The robot they designed in the project has particles that are small enough to search under the leak, is light not to harm people in the remains, has the ability to move without slipping on vibrating surfaces on which it will be in the search and rescue process, and help on uneven drawings made of different materials (sand, gravel, stone, etc.). He was asked to complete the course without tipping his kit.
In the Discovery Campus, which we have implemented in cooperation with Samsun Governorship, Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, Samsun Canik Municipality, Samsun University, 19 Mayıs University and Samsun Provincial Directorate of National Education, students will receive training based on inquiry and discovery in various scientific fields in thematic workshops that blend science and technology. In addition to these, workshops will be held to support the development of students in social and emotional areas through various arts and personal development trainings.
This training, which is given completely free of charge on the Discovery Campus, will last for two years. Exam results will be announced in two weeks.