On the Road to Success T3 Venture Center Venture Programs Boot Camp Completed!

The T3 Venture Center Venture Programs Boot Camp, held from August 9-11, provided our entrepreneurs with an exciting learning experience. Over the course of these three intense and productive days, participants had the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about key aspects of the business world.
The first day began with an Ice-Breaking activity to help participants connect with one another. This was followed by core topics within the TEKNOFEST Acceleration Program, including:
Customer Validation
Customer Development
Business Model Creation - 1
Mentoring Sessions
The DENEYAP Pre-Incubation Startup Program covered:
T3GM Master Session
Customer Discovery
Problem-Solution Fit
Customer Validation
Business Model Creation
The day concluded with a creative Doodle Art workshop.
The second day focused on business model creation and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) concepts. Within the TEKNOFEST Acceleration Program, detailed topics included:
Business Model Creation - 2
Lean Experience (MVP)
Mentoring Sessions
The DENEYAP Pre-Incubation Startup Program provided critical training on:
Mentoring Sessions
Product-Market Fit
Customer Development
Business Model Creation - 2
Participants also enjoyed an engaging Startup Board Game.
The last day started with a presentation techniques workshop and presentations. Participants learned how to present their projects effectively. The training camp ended with a cinema event where the movie Bandirma Missile Club was screened.
Our entrepreneurs, who were selected for the TEKNOFEST Venture Program and DENEYAP Venture Programs, gained important gains in one-to-one mentoring sessions, presentation techniques training, customer development and business model production. The training camp aimed to provide our entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the business world.
Following the successful completion of this training camp, we believe our entrepreneurs will bring their innovative projects to life and make significant strides in the business world. We wish them continued success on their entrepreneurial journey!