MTH Teachers' Academies Start in Gaziantep and Samsun!

Learning in the technology era is an endless journey. We are gathering with our teachers, the most important architects of the future, at Teacher Academies. We will be with our teachers in this path, which we set out to advance Türkiye’s technological and contribute to realization of projects with high influence.
NTI Teacher Academies will begin in Gaziantep and Samsun.
We offer educational content in 11 different subjects from Artificial Intelligence to Energy Technologies, Design and Production to Advance Robotics within the program.
Training Subject: Design and Production
Application Deadline: May 22, 2023
CLICK HERE for Application and More Info
Workshops to Be Opened Within NTI Gaziantep:
- Keşif Kampüsü Deneyap Workshop
- Şahinbey Deneyap Workshop
Workshops to Be Opened Within NTI Samsun:
- Samsun Keşif Kampüsü Deneyap Workshop
- Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Keşif Kampüsü Deneyap Workshop