E-Exam Applications for Samsun Keşif Kampüsü and Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Keşif Kampüsü Have Started!

The Keşif Kampüsü, established by the Turkish Technology Team Foundation to blend science and technology and introduce them to the children who are the building blocks of our future, is now accepting new term applications in Samsun.
Students who will study at Samsun Keşif Kampüsü and Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Keşif Kampüsü will be selected through a two-stage process, consisting of an E-Exam and a Project Exam.
Applications for the E-Exam are open to students studying in Samsun who will be in 4th or 5th grade during the 2024-2025 academic year. Candidates are required to follow the application process through the Corporate Management System (
The E-Exam will be held in selected centers in Samsun in multiple sessions.
Students who will study at Samsun Keşif Kampüsü and Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Keşif Kampüsü will be selected through a two-stage process, consisting of an E-Exam and a Project Exam.
Applications for the E-Exam are open to students studying in Samsun who will be in 4th or 5th grade during the 2024-2025 academic year. Candidates are required to follow the application process through the Corporate Management System (
The E-Exam will be held in selected centers in Samsun in multiple sessions.