DENEYAP Turkey 2024 Summer Camp Applications are Open!

As DENEYAP Türkiye, this summer we are offering a special camp experience exclusively for DENEYAP students! Between August 26-31, 2024, we are organizing an exciting summer camp for a total of 700 students at Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yıldırım Beyazıt and 23 Nisan camps in Mersin.
This camp is planned to develop the social, personal and technical skills of our DENEYAP students, the leaders of the future, and to provide you with knowledge and experience in different disciplines. A program full of fun activities, trainings and workshops awaits you throughout the camp!
Camp Content:
-Educational Workshops and Technical Trips: Workshops and technical trips in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics
-Social Events: Sports competitions, team games, nature walks and more.
-Personal Development Seminars: Seminars to improve your leadership, problem solving and communication skills.
Camp Locations and Transportation:
The camp will be held in three different campsites in Mersin: Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yıldırım Beyazıt and April 23 camps. Transportation will be provided free of charge from certain provincial centers.
These centers are as follows:
Transportation will be provided free of charge from the centers of the specified provinces, and transportation to these centers is the responsibility of our students themselves.Application and Selection Process:
This camp is only for DENEYAP students and there is a limited quota for participation. Applications will be carefully evaluated taking into account the attendance status of the students in DENEYAP and the date of application. Those whose applications are approved will be contacted back.
Deadline for application: August 12, 2024 at: 17.00
Türkiye Technology Stars will shine in Mersin! Don't miss this unique opportunity, apply now and take your place in DENEYAP Türkiye 2024 Summer Camp!
You can contact us via for any questions, comments and suggestions.
Click here for the application form.
DENEYAP Türkiye Team