DENEYAP Technology Workshops Registration Period Has Begun!

Student registrations for our students who have the right to register will be carried out online via OBS ( between 24.07.2024 - 18.08.2024.
OBS account information of our students has been sent to the e-mail address registered in the T3KYS system. It is the student's responsibility to follow the information about the registration process.
Students who have registered through OBS must submit the “Parent - Student Agreement” to the DENEYAP Technology Workshop between the specified dates in order for their registration to be approved.
Students who request a transfer to a different province can submit the Student-Parent Agreement to the workshop when the transfer process is completed.
All details regarding the objections and placement results of our students who are in the reserve status are in the Information Guide.
We kindly ask you to read the guides below in detail.
Click here to access the Information Guide.
Click here to access the OBS Registration Guide.
Click here to view the Student-Parent Agreement.
Click here to register.