Deneyap Technology Workshops are Looking for New Stars!

The Future Technology Stars Program is awaiting your applications to 139 Deneyap Technology Workshops in 81 provinces for 36 months of free technology training in 11 different topics!
Deneyap Technology Workshops, established to provide education to future engineers, technology entrepreneurs, and technology leaders, operates within the scope of the Deneyap Türkiye Project, which is implemented through the collaboration of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, TÜBİTAK, and the Turkish Technology Team Foundation. As of the year 2023, 15,910 students actively continue their education in the workshops, with 2,700 students having graduated to date. With 139 workshops, 262 classrooms, and a capacity for 20,720 students, Deneyap Technology Workshops currently have 4,541 instructors preparing students for the future. From the selection of students and instructors to the educational content, materials used in the workshops, and the workshop concept itself, Deneyap Technology Workshops bring the same opportunities to children throughout Türkiye, diligently continuing their efforts with a focus on equal opportunities in education.
Apply now and be the Future Technology Star with the goal of "A Türkiye Developing Technology"!
In the 2023-2024 academic year, students in the 4th grade, 5th grade, 8th grade, preparatory class for high school, and 9th grade are eligible to apply for the exam.
The selection process for Deneyap Technology Workshops consists of three stages. Applicants will be subjected to an E-Exam. Candidates who successfully pass the E-Exam will proceed to the second stage, which is Online Training and Task Completion. Following successful completion of this stage, candidates will be invited to the Practical Exam. Students who successfully complete all stages will be entitled to receive education at Deneyap Technology Workshops.
Applicants are required to track their application processes through the Corporate Management System. The E-Exam will take place in sessions at designated centers throughout Türkiye.
Application Deadline: February 25, 2024
Click here for detailed information and application.