Deneyap, Deneyap Kart, Bilim Türkiye and Keşif Kampüsü at TEKNOFEST Istanbul!

Taking place between 27 April - 1 May, TEKNOFEST Aerospace and Technology Festival also includes Deneyap, Deneyap Kart, Bilim Türkiye and Keşif Kampüsü!
Science Street
Participants will be able to benefit from rich educational content and participate in the training workshops where they can get more detailed information about Bilim Türkiye, Keşif Kampüsü, Deneyap and Deneyap Kart designs conducted by the T3 Foundation in Bilim Street located between the M and N blocks of TEKNOFEST. will be able to examine the experimental setups in the middle section.
What's on Science Street?
Experimental Arrangements
Children have the opportunity to explore scientific concepts by examining various experimental setups in Science Street. They will be able to get to know our 12 scientists on the History of Science: Scientists Board and give information about their works and studies. "What do you want to be?" They will be able to take souvenir photos and play various games in the area.
What Are We Doing at T3 Foundation Stand and Science Street?
Deneyap, which is a technology workshops project implemented to train future engineers, technology entrepreneurs and technology leaders for a fully independent and strong Türkiye, will organize 3 workshops in the T3 Foundation Stand area during the festival. In these workshops; Propeller Plane, Helicopter, Plane Launch Ramp, Spider Robot, Newton Pendulum, Night Light Activities, EV3 table activities, ball game and balloon popping activities will be held.
It is planned to reach an average of 3000 students per day in workshops that will last 40 minutes with student groups of 15-20 people.
Deneyap Kart
Deneyap Electronic Development Kit, which is a joint work of T3 Foundation and entrepreneurs, is developed to transfer the infrastructure of the subjects related to Electronic Programming and the Internet of Things and to run certain artificial intelligence algorithms. In the Deneyap Kart T3 Foundation Stand area, algorithm building, coding and project production workshops will be held with Deneyap Kart's main processors and sensors.
The workshops, it is planned to be applied to 400 students with an average of 8-10 30-minute sessions per day.
Bilim Türkiye
Bilim Türkiye, which aims to provide science communication and increase interest in these fields by bringing science, technology and art to a wide audience, will organize activities suitable for all ages for 5 days in the T3 Foundation Stand, Science Street, Virtual Reality Tunnel and Planetarium areas within the scope of TEKNOFEST Istanbul.
In 15 different science workshops at the T3 Foundation Stand and Science Street, workshops suitable for ages 6-9 and 10-14 will be held with 80 different contents in 7 different themes for the fields of science, technology and art.
Keşif Kampüsü
Keşif Kampüsü, which was created to blend science and technology and bring them together with children, the building blocks of our future, will carry out 15 different activities for the 6-14 age group for 5 days as Gaziantep Keşif Kampüsü, Samsun Keşif Kampüsü and Canik Özdemir Bayraktar Keşif Kampüsü at the Science Street and T3 Foundation stand within TEKNOFEST Istanbul.
These activities, which will be held on the themes of technology, art and science, will be held according to 2 different age groups as 6-9 and 10-14 age groups.