A New Success Story from TEKNOFEST and Deneyap Technology Workshops!

“Anneler Satıyor”, co-founded by İlker Burak Bulama and Ataberk Çiftlikli, who received 3 years of training at the Deneyap Technology Workshops and graduated in 2021, received an investment of 10 million TL valuation.
Ataberk Çiftlikli, who participated in the TEKNOFEST Rocket Competition in 2020, 2021 and 2022 with the "Halley's Apprentices" team, won the best team spirit award in 2020 with his team, in addition to his 3-year education at the Deneyap Technology Workshops. Çiftlikçi was also among the scholarship students of the Rising Star Scholarship Program organized by our Foundation.
The founding partners of “Anneler Satıyor”, who are the architects of an initiative and success story, established the company in 2021. In November 2021, he was accepted to the Lonca Entrepreneurship Center run by Kuveyt Türk. In June 2022, the Lonca Demoday brought the initiative together with the press and investors, and it was also accepted by the Information Commercialization Center. After receiving the license exemption confirmation from the Central Bank after the patent application for artificial intelligence models and completing all legal processes, Anneler Satıyor went live in September 2022. Anneler Satıyor, which will be launched in the mobile application very soon and will continue its development to provide a better service to users, received an investment of 10 million TL under the leadership of MASS Consulting Information Systems.
“Anneler Satıyor” is a Social Market Place Platform
Anneler Satıyor is designed as a social market place platform where mothers can upload their children’s or their own belongings for sale within 5 seconds thanks to its application facilitated by artificial intelligence, discuss their questions with other mothers and get answers, and follow up their children in detail. Basically, it has created an active space where mothers can make a significant contribution to both the home economy and sustainability by bringing together the items that their rapidly growing children no longer use with other mothers. On the subject, founding partner of Anneler Satıyor, Ataberk Çiftlikli said, “While our users make a significant contribution to the home economy by bringing together items that they no longer use, or that they do not even have the opportunity to use, with other mothers, mothers can access the products they need at more accessible prices.”
Ataberk also talked about the importance of Deneyap Technology Workshops and TEKNOFEST in their career journey: “With 11 different trainings I received during the Deneyap process, I developed myself technically and gained small project management experiences at project festivals. During the TEKNOFEST competitions, I had the chance to gain greater project management experience and to experience indispensable processes such as team management and team communication. Particularly, some of the difficulties we encountered during the TEKNOFEST process were like a rehearsal for the difficulties we encountered in the enterprise. The experience I gained in the project process of the Deneyap project festivals and TEKNOFEST competitions made our work easier on the entrepreneurial journey.”
İlker Burak Bulama, co-founder of “Anneler Satıyor” drawing attention to sustainability by saying; “Our natural resources are vulnerable to the consumption frenzy, which is one of the problems of our time. Thousands of liters of water are consumed in the production of a t-shirt. In order to protect our future, it is imperative that we spread the second-hand shopping habit even more.”