TEKNOFEST is Türkiye's first and only aerospace and technology festival, which plays a critical role in the development of national technology in Türkiye and is organized with the stakeholders of many organizations.
Read MoreIn order to raise the Technology Stars of the Future, we provide free technology trainings for 36 months on 11 different topics to our students who successfully complete the 2-stage exam.
Read MoreWithin the scope of Özdemir Bayraktar National Technology Scholarship Program, we provide scholarship support to middle school, high school, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students who have the vision of the National Technology Initiative and are willing to contribute to the Türkiye's domestic and national technology development.
Read MoreIt is a startup summit that we organize with the aim of making Türkiye a center of attraction in the field of entrepreneurship and creating a cooperation environment for entrepreneurs.
Read MoreDENEYAP Kart offers users the opportunity to carry out projects at all levels from beginner level to industrial applications in the fields of Electronic Programming, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence with its powerful processor and durable design which developed using the engineering resources of our country.
Read MoreIn our science centers, there are 7 workshop areas suitable for educating children aged 6-14 with hands-on activities, an exhibition hall with interactive experimental setups reflecting the local cultural characteristics, and a planetarium area that offers children the opportunity to learn by embodying abstract concepts.
Read MoreThe Keşif Kampüsü represents a campus that offers a unique educational model by blending education through experimental mechanisms in science centers with workshop education. It consists of original workshops and discovery areas based on 8 themes, including science, technology and social areas.
Read MoreWe come up with solutions for the needs of startups that have innovative business ideas and produce technologies with high added value in order form them to commercialize, grow and expand to the world market.
Read MoreAs the Turkish Technology Team Foundation, we are working to instill the passion for technology in everyone from 7 to 70.
TEKNOFEST Aerospace and Technology Festival, which was first held in 2018; it aims to increase interest in technology in society and raise awareness about Türkiye's transformation into a society that produces national technology by hosting many activities such as technology competitions, air shows, concerts, talks and events on various subjects.
See DetailsThe T3 AIproject has been launched in collaboration with the Turkish Technology Team Foundation and stakeholders with the vision of playing a leading role in this global digital transformation, overcoming language barriers, ensuring the free flow of information, and contributing to the peaceful coexistence of societies.
See DetailsDENEYAP Technology Workshops were launched within the scope of the Technology Stars of the Future program in July 2017, within the body of the Turkish Technology Team Foundation with the aim of raising the engineers, technology entrepreneurs and technology leaders of the future for a fully independent and strong Türkiye. The main purpose of the DENEYAP Technology Workshops is to train young individuals with high technology production competence, who will be the driving force of the National Technology Initiative, which we consider indispensable for the development of our country.
See DetailsAn important cooperation has been established between the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, TÜBİTAK and the Turkish Technology Team Foundation within the framework of the first 100-day Action Program of our Presidency for establishment of 100 DENEYAP Technology Workshops in 81 cities. DENEYAP Türkiye was realized with the contributions of these four important institutions that contribute to the development of young people in Türkiye, especially in technology.
See DetailsDENEYAP Kart, which was developed by the engineers of our country, enables carrying out projects at all levels from entry level to industrial applications in Electronic Programming, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence with its powerful processor, durable design and multiple input/output pins.
See DetailsOur mission is to develop educational content in order to raise a generation that can learn by themselves, work in collaboration, and have advanced creative and critical thinking skills. In this context, it is to raise awareness in the field of science and technology by organizing various studies such as interviews, seminars, conferences, science festivals in order to introduce different fields to students.
See DetailsKeşif Kampüsü represents a campus that offers a unique education model by blending training on experimental setups in science centers with workshop education. It consists of unique workshops and discovery areas based on 8 themes including science, technology, and social areas. There are workshop environments and discovery areas where training will be given on the themes of Nature, Physics, Humanities & Chemistry, Technology, Mathematics, Astronomy & Aviation, Personal Development and Supportive Education (art, music).
See DetailsWe are carrying out activities to increase the human support trained in the technology field of the borders. We aim to support the realization of a successful technology life that will create added value with the goal of a technology producing Türkiye.
See DetailsOrganized since 2018 as part of TEKNOFEST, the Take Off Startup Summit brings together venture ecosystem partners to transform projects into global initiatives and aims to strengthen Türkiye's role in the field of entrepreneurship and contribute to the domestic and international entrepreneurship ecosystem.
See DetailsT3 Academy was launched by the T3 Foundation to contribute to Türkiye's National Technology Initiative and to provide accessible education. T3 Academy is a non-profit education platform with science, technology and entrepreneurship education content for all age groups starting from 5 years old.
See DetailsIt is aimed to contribute to the personal, academic and career development of our scholars by offering them special educational opportunities and the opportunity to take part in Foundation projects.
See DetailsThe Turkish Technology Team Foundation provides various supports to teams which aim to specialize in specific fields and develop projects every year. It aims to support young people that conduct projects as a team and are in need of financial and technical support in this context in order for them to participate in national and international competitions through support programs.
See DetailsContact us to get to know the T3 Foundation better and participate in the projects of the T3 Foundation.
The T3 Foundation reaches millions of people, from different age groups, in 81 provinces of Türkiye and all around the world with its 12 projects, including Bilim Türkiye, Keşif Kampüsü, DENEYAP, DENEYAP Türkiye, DENEYAP Kart, Özdemir Bayraktar National Technology Scholarship Program, National Teams of Technology Grant Program, T3 Startup Center, Take Off Startup Summit, T3 Academy, T3 AI and TEKNOFEST.
The T3 Foundation currently conducts 12 projects to contribute to the National Technology Initiative.
As the T3 Foundation, we have a total of 51.893 volunteers. Within the scope of Özdemir Bayraktar National Technology Scholarship Program, we provide scholarship opportunities …
142 DENEYAP Technology Workshops, 19 Science Centres and 3 Keşif Kampüsü, which the T3 Foundation manages or is a stakeholder of, currently provide trainings.
Over 1,650,000 people applied for TEKNOFEST Technology Competitions, which is executed by the T3 Foundation, in 2024.
What You Said About the T3 Foundation
Share your ideas and suggestions on the T3 Foundation along with your experiences with the Foundation.
First of all, thank you very much to the T3 foundation. I know what we write and say here will be too little. T3 foundation …
Aleyna DemirEndless thanks to the T3 Foundation for carrying my dreams and hopes not one step further but more than I imagined and opening the door …
Ahmet Enes NarmanlıI love T3 Foundation very much, and it makes me very proud to be a student in a project like DENEYAP.
Rıdvan SeyitvanMy unique Foundation, which added me to its student staff in 2018, made hundreds of contributions to my youth, broadened my horizons and helped me …
Mehmet Furkan AydınI am very happy to be able to share my knowledge and experience with many students similar to me at the T3 Foundation, where I …
Sevde ErgünT3 Foundation is the place where the best friendships are made while training new engineer candidates in the light of the National Technology Initiative.
Burak ÖzdemirIt is nice to feel that I have helped someone and touched someone's life thanks to the T3 Foundation. I'm glad I met T3. To …
Oğuzhan ParmaksızT3 Foundation has made many contributions to me. The trainings they conducted and many other activities were innovative for me and helped me improve myself. …
Oğuzhan AltınovaThose who don't produce become extinct, those who love their country the most are the ones who produce the most, production is a matter of …
Muhammed Esad ÜnalT3 Foundation gave me wonderful experiences as a teacher candidate. I think that T3 Foundation offers wonderful opportunities for our children, who are our future. …
Yusuf ÇinikI feel very lucky to be a scholarship student of the T3 Foundation. I improve myself with the training I receive from the T3 Foundation …
Mehmet Bahattin ŞenözlerT3 Foundation is a source of life that shapes lives with its small touches that appeal to all ages. I'm very happy to join this …
Muhammet Ali SalmanlıÜlkeme hayırlı evlat olmak için buraya katıldım ve aziz milletim ve kendimden gurur duyuyorum!
Muhammed EfeI love the T3 Foundation, and the fact that I am a DENEYAP student is a source of inspiration for me.
Rıdvan SeyitvanI have applied for volunteering, and if accepted, I will be working for the most important and valuable foundation in Türkiye. It is a wonderful feeling.
Ali BaşaslanMay God bless everyone who works in this Foundation, especially Mr. Selçuk. Everything you have done for our state, our nation and our future is very valuable. May God not cause any trouble or harm to you and our state.
Esra ÇuvalcıAs the late Barış Akarsu said in his song titled the Wind, T3 Foundation gave me the courage to love this country and the self-confidence necessary to blow like the wind. #T3Grows
Mehmet Ali KapanThis is a foundation where very useful works are done for our country. I personally would like to thank you very much for your efforts and support.
Halil KayaI have accumulated so many beautiful memories in 2022 within the scope of the scholarship program... I would like to thank the T3 Foundation.
Yakup KolamanI must say that I am happy to be a part of the family of members of the Foundation, which I have known long ago. A Foundation and even a family that distributes the hand of love and aid to hearts and every land of our homeland and acts with the principle that we can only be strong if we are united. I hope to be a part of the Foundation at every stage of my life, with the aim of moving with the times and being beneficial to our country with every work we do.
Büşra Pembe CebeT3 Foundation provides education, technology, knowledge, experience, etc. to young people who are the future of Türkiye. It provides young people with very important values in their life journeys, both materially and spiritually.
Şevval KahyaI appreciate the activities and trainings the Foundation organizes for children, I want to be a child when I see such activities. I hope that it will reach more cities and districts in the coming years and I wish it continued success.
Rohat GülmüşFor the first time, I felt like I belonged somewhere and was special. I am looking forward to taking part in their events. Our Foundation supports us financially and morally in every way. Under the leadership of the T3 Foundation, I saw which path I should follow in order to be a good child to my country and nation. I'm glad to know you...
Boran Sancar ÖzdemirT3 Foundation contributed to me in many ways, the trainings they provided and many other activities were a novelty for me. They helped me a lot in improving myself. I would like to thank the T3 Foundation family very much, we are always with you.
Oğuzhan AltınovaT3 Foundation contributed to me in many ways, the trainings they provided and many other activities were a novelty for me. They helped me a lot in improving myself. I would like to thank the T3 Foundation family very much, we are always with you.
Oğuzhan AltınovaWe left behind a productive and enjoyable period with the constant support of the employees and coordinators of the T3 Foundation family, which offered us the opportunity to meet and work with my peers who are aware of the importance of the National Technology Initiative. We thank you for everything we were able to experience during this process. :)
Firdevs UysalI am Eymen Efe Mirza's mother, my name is Ferda Ekin. I think T3 Foundation is very important for the future of Türkiye. We see what can be done and what they can achieve if our children and young people are given the opportunity. I wish you continued success.
Eymen Efe MirzaIn my opinion, T3 Foundation is one of the largest foundations in Türkiye and an innovative initiative in the eyes of us, young people. Thanks to the Turkish Technology Team, I have the chance to gather and express my projects and ideas together, and they also supported us nicely thanks to the Özdemir Bayraktar National Technology Scholarship Program. Thank you to T3 Foundation.
Yakup KolamanI enriched my knowledge during my time as an instructor-mentor at T3 Foundation. Thanks to TEKNOFEST projects, I improved myself in the field of software and reporting. Thanks to the students I mentored, my feeling of being a teacher has increased greatly. Personally, I gained good experiences. It was great to spend time with the students.
Gülhan KAYAWhile T3 Foundation gave me a professional perspective, it also helped me keep my excitement fresh on the first day. I'm so glad my path crossed with the T3 Foundation and I met people with whom we walked the same path. I will never forget the looks and love of those promising children whose lives I was able to touch a part of.
Hilal YamanT3 Foundation has really helped me a lot. I had a fulfilling 3 years in which I improved myself with trainings at Deneyap and participated in project work with my friends. I am very happy that I continue to work at the Foundation as a scholar. I think that T3 Foundation has created a very important vision with the National Technology Initiative and I support it fully. To many successes together.
Yağmur UrtaçIt is a very high quality Foundation in every respect. They follow every individual within their organization with interest, respond to every e-mail I send, regardless of the subject, on a daily basis, and constantly provide free training. It's nice that they consider us scholars as family. The renewed page is also very nice, the old one was also good, so it is more than sufficient with the innovations. Thank you so much for everything.
Rabia KayaDuring my time as an instructor-mentor at the Foundation, it was a great experience for us to take part in the educational processes of these young people who are interested in technology, from the activities we did with our students. As soldiers of the National Technology Initiative, we have always tried to do our best for this cause.
Rümeysa EryılmazT3 Foundation does a tremendous job with its work, the value it attaches to technology, and its ability to enable children to discover technology and reveal their talents from a young age. In addition, it is a great thing that our country has developed the world's most competitive products in the field of technology and reached leadership level. I am very pleased with the support you provide to the students...
Adem BozbayT3 is the biggest supporter in every aspect of young people who want to succeed on behalf of their country. I wish I could write more and explain it in detail...
Ertuğrul EnisoğluIn many of the works I have done with the T3 Foundation, especially at TEKNOFEST, we receive productive training that is both entertaining and memorable, and we hope this continues.
Emirhan DemirT3 Foundation, a foundation that plays an active role in guiding students for our developing country, does not spare us any material and moral support on this path. It provides us with all kinds of opportunities with many activities such as interviews, events, meetings, trips to Deneyap workshops. Thank you very much for this.
Abdulsamet AldaşWhat I like most about the T3 Foundation is that they are very active on social media (Telegram and Whatsapp) and the communication of the foundation members is strong.
Nurullah Caka