Applicants Who Successfully Completed the e-Exam Stage Meet in the Second Stage!

Candidates who successfully completed the e-Exam phase meet in the second phase!
DENEYAP Technology Workshops Student Selection Examinations are carried out in stages. Applicants who successfully completed the e-exam stage get a right to be in the stage of “Online Education and Task Completion”.
“Online Education and Task Completion” stage can be carried out in any environment that provides internet access within the date range offered to the student.
Applicants are responsible for completing the Online Education and Task Completion process on website.
Applicants are expected to complete the Online Education and Task Completion stage which is going to be carried out electronically on the website until 29 May 2024, 11.59 pm.
Detailed information about the Online Education and Task Completion stage is stated in the guidebooks.Applicants are expected to read the guidebooks in detail.
Click to access the Online Education and Task Completion Information Guidebook.
Click to access the Online Education and Task Completion System User Guidebook.